Flag Palestine Flag On sale
Palestine flag is composed by three horizontal bands (black, white and green) with a red triangle. The Palestine flag was designed by Sharif Hussein as the flag of the Arab Insurrection (June 1916). The Palestine flag was adopted with the Conference of Jerusalem in 1964.
Size (See all available sizes):
Standard finishes of our flags in nautical Polyester and Stamina (For different finishes, contact us)
Flag Format
20x30 cm
Nautical Polyester
18,00 €
(VAT included)30x45 cm
Nautical Polyester
24,00 €
(VAT included)70x100 cm
Nautical Polyester
29,00 €
(VAT included)100x150 cm
Nautical Polyester
35,00 31,50 € -10%
(VAT included)150x225 cm
Nautical Polyester
72,00 €
(VAT included)200x300 cm
Nautical Polyester
116,00 €
(VAT included)300x450 cm
Nautical Polyester
185,00 €
(VAT included)400x600 cm
Nautical Polyester
318,00 €
(VAT included)Flag Format
20x30 cm
Polyester Stamina
29,92 €
(VAT included)30x45 cm
Polyester Stamina
40,48 €
(VAT included)70x100 cm
Polyester Stamina
55,44 €
(VAT included)100x150 cm
Polyester Stamina
76,56 €
(VAT included)150x225 cm
Polyester Stamina
132,00 €
(VAT included)Flag Format
91x140 cm
Easy Polyester
13,00 €
(VAT included)Table Flags
Flag Format
14x21 cm
Easy Polyester
4,00 €
(VAT included)Customers Who View Flag Palestine Flag Also Bought:
The flag of Palestine was first adopted on 28 May 1964 by the Palestinian Liberation Organization.
It is a tricolor composed of three equal horizontal stripes (black, white, and green from top to bottom) overlaid by a red triangle in the hoist.
This flag derives from the Pan-Arab colors and it is used to represent the State of Palestine and the Palestinian people.
The flag used by the Arab Palestinian nationalists in the first half of the 20th century is the flag of the 1916 Arab Revolt. The origins of the flag are the subject of dispute and mythology.
Another version credits the Young Arab Society, formed in Paris in 1911. Yet another version is that the flag was designed by Sir Mark Sykes of the British Foreign Office.
In 1967, later the Six-Day War, the State of Israel banned the Palestinian flag while occupying the Gaza Strip and West Bank. A 1980 law forbidding artwork of "political significance" banned artwork composed of its four colours.
Since the signing of the Oslo Peace Accords in 1993, the ban has been abolished.
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